Date : 2020

—-“Nsoromma” —
Meaning “children of the heavens” or “stars” symbolizes the guardianship of God and how He watches over all beings. It is one of the many Adinkra symbols that the Ghanaian people used in representing ethics, ideas, morality, concepts and advice. .
These portraits were taken in #Jiblik village, located in #PlateauState#Nigeria and the people photographed belong to the #Mupun tribe. In Jiblik, most of the population has accepted Christianity as their religion, leaving the tribal religion of their ancestors behind. Those that still practice the tribal religion and way of living are very few and hard to find. The “NguMan” (The Wise One) is one of them, his responsibilities are similar to those of a local Shaman. .

Nsoromma indicates the existence of the spiritual world, in which our ancestors and past families exist and watch over us, creating a feeling of safety and wholeness. It expresses the message to live life to its fullest knowing that you are supported and strengthened by God. The protection of God is constant, like the stars in the universe. .
One reason I love going back to my hometown is because at night when you look up you can clearly see a lot of stars and it’s so beautiful... unlike the modern world where light pollution is so high and you can hardly see any stars.. .